Seeing that I have a blog as is  I might as well use it shouldn’t I ?

Yes this is a rhetorical you blasted apparition  of plastic and wire, its sad when the only person you argue with is a computer.

What does one blog about any way?

What happened today, why their life sucks, what they wore today, the band they are in, what their aspirations are? I dunno, maybe.

Well in response to all of these nothing amazing happened today and neither does my life suck. Honestly my school life is a lot like Prozac, no high highs and no real lows either.

What I wore today, hmm,  gray cardigan, a sweater vest, blue jeans and Converse.

I am not in a band. Or in Band for that matter.

As for aspirations, I  am not sure as of yet because I have not payed the astrologer bill in two weeks.

Today is the anniversary of Cats the musical, a flood in India some forty years ago, the KLU KLUX KLAN led an attack on a cemetery, the 1960 Spartacus movie was released,  the Battle of Kings Mountain occurred, and Edgar Alan Poe died.

Caw, Caw.